

Salame Milano, also called Crespone (from the local name of the casing used), is a type of salami originally produced in the Milan area, made from pork, beef, pepper and various spices, with a characteristic fine grain.

The salami, which usually has a diameter of between 6 and 11 centimetres, is characterised by a fine-grained mincing with the fat and lean parts evenly distributed with the help of a special tool called a “finimondo”, a sort of meat grinder that minces the meat very finely.

The salami paste is then stuffed into a natural casing and left to mature for 3 to 9 weeks depending on the diameter of the salami.

Similar in appearance to Hungarian salami, Milano salami has a sweeter, more delicate taste and no smoky smell.


Code: 389b

Format: about 1 kg vacuum packed

Shelf-life: 180 days


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